CISV Canada is proud of our position regarding gender inclusivity, in line with CISV’s content areas of diversity and human rights, CISV Canada has adopted an open and flexible approach to gender binary ratios for delegations. We will strive towards having a mix of genders represented in our delegations. People of all genders are encouraged to apply for all open delegation positions.
Invitations in CISV have historically been assigned according to binary gender definitions. CISV Canada has chosen to adopt a more inclusive approach to filling our delegations. Instead of conforming to the traditional 2 boys / 2 girls split in delegations, we, as a National Association, will strive towards including a mix of genders represented in each delegation. People of all genders are encouraged to apply for all open delegation positions.`
As chapters, we commit to selecting delegates that are best suited to the programme, not being restricted by traditional gender definitions. CISV Canada chapters commit to communicate with host NA’s when the mix of a delegation does not conform with the traditional norms of CISV delegations to ensure that our delegates are welcomed and all requirements, including rooming requirements, are met inclusive of all participants.